Spring News Letter
Our 2017 Vintage is Well on its Way!
The 2017 vintage of FENCES Cabernet Sauvignon is well on its way with the start of bud break earlier this month. Look closely and you can see where the grapes will begin to grow. In the meantime, the 2016 and 2015 vintages are still in the barrels, the 2014 Reserve was bottled in March and is keeping a very low profile while bottle aging, and the 2014 Cab is making its way around the country! So far it has travelled throughout Oregon and to California, Washington, Idaho, Virginia, Florida, Indiana, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Montana and Massachusetts. We don't know what your Summer plans are, but we know this Summer it's also headed to Colorado and Maine! We hope wherever you are you'll be enjoying a bottle of FENCES.
If you haven't tried a bottle yet, now's the time - ORDER NOW and we'll pick up the cost of shipping on orders of 4 or more bottles. Just put in the code "SpringFling" at checkout because at this time of year who doesn't want to sit outside with a good glass of wine.
For those of you in live in Southern Oregon just a quick update on where we can be found. If you're in need of good Italian food, have dinner at Rosario's and order a bottle of FENCES as an accompaniment. Something a little more Continental? Head to Larks. On the way to golf or tennis, you'll find us at RVCC. Headed for Britt or a hike or a picnic, grab a bottle of FENCES from Harry & David's Country Store or The Urban Cork or Old 99. Better yet, call us at 541-690-8303 during business hours and we'll deliver . . . better than any takeout around!!!
We're kicking around opening a tasting room due to all the inquiries, but in the interim, if you'd like to do a wine tasting at your home, let us know and we'll see what we can arrange; we're always happy to showcase our wine among new friends be it here, there or anywhere!
Finally, to all of our Club Members, your next shipment is due to go out on June 1st if you're a Blue Blood (July 1st if you're a Pedigree or Heritage Member) so give us a call by May 26th if you'd like to have some choice in which vintages we ship to you. If you purchase at any time between shipments, don't forget you are automatically entitled to a discount as a Member of the Club. An announcement about our Member Dinner in the vineyard will be forthcoming.
Until next time, enjoy the Spring!
Jody & David Lennon